selective focus photography of person using tablet computer

#0054 Knocked Up (4/10) Movie CLIP – Parental Guidance (2007)

 Vertice SocietyがYouTube動画から厳選した英語教材です。本サイト、あるいは提携団体の会員としてログインしてからご使用ください。

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Man1: I’m gonna be a grandfather.
Man2: You happy about that?
Man1: Absolutely. Delighted.
Man2: This is a disaster.
Man1: No, this is not a disaster.
Man2: It is…
Man1: An earthquake is a disaster. Your grandmother having Alzheimer’s so bad. She doesn’t even know who the fuck I am, that’s a disaster. This is a good thing. This is a blessing.
Man2: I have a vision for how my life would go, and this definitely is not it.
Man1: Wait. Is this your vision? Are you living your vision right now?
Man2: I am kind of living my vision, yeah.
Man1: Well, that is sad, I’m telling you. Life doesn’t care about your vision. Okay? Stuff happens. You just got to deal with it. You roll with it. That’s the beauty of it all.
Man2: I just don’t get how I tell the kid not to do drugs when I do drugs. I’ll feel like a hypocrite.
Man1: Well, remember what I told you when you were a teenager?
Man2: What did you say?
Man1: I said, “No pills, no powders.”
Man2: That’s right, that’s right.
Man1: Right. If it grows in the ground, it’s probably okay.
Man2: I mean, I guess it worked. Like you told me not to smoke pot all those years, and then I found out you were smoking pot that whole time.
Man1: Not the whole time. Just in the evenings and all day every weekend. Not that much.
Man2: Honestly, though, when you look at me do you not think at all, like, “You know, if he just never existed, “I would have avoided a massive heap of trouble,” you know?
Man1: Absolutely not. I…I love you totally and completely. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
Man2: I’m the best thing that ever happened to you?
Man1: Yeah.
Man2: Now I just feel bad for you.



  • Step1 無音で動画を見てどのような場面、状況なのかを想像する。
  • Step2 英語の音声と合わせて動画を視聴する。この段階では英語字幕やスクリプトは見ずに、自分の実力を試す。ディクテーションの際はこのSTEPで行う。
  • Step3 英語字幕や上記のスクリプトを参考にしながら、英語の内容をしっかり確認する。必要なら辞書を引いても良い。ディクテーションのときは、ここで答え合わせなどをする。
  • Step4 ミラーリングの練習の際には、ここで英語字幕やスクリプト無しで動画を再生し練習する。発音、抑揚だけでなく。身振り手振りや感情もコピーする。
  • Step5 最終確認のために、もう一度英語字幕やスクリプト無しで動画を視聴する。英語をどれだけ理解できたかを確認する。





selective focus photography of person using tablet computer
>Vertice SocietyとELFY YouTubeプレイヤーのコラボ

Vertice SocietyとELFY YouTubeプレイヤーのコラボ

バーティスソサエティ(Vertice Society)であなたが英語学習を修了するゴールを定めましょう。終わりなき学習者から英語ユーザーになるために、YouTubeプレーヤーのELFYもあなたの学習をお手伝いします。