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Man: I thought it was you.
Woman: What the…
Man: What a pleasant surprise, Miss Steele.
Woman: Just Ana…just Ana. You’re in here…
Man: I was in the area in business, needed to pick up a few things. Are you free?
Woman: Yeah, what can I help you with?
Man: Do you stock cable ties?
Woman: Cable ties, yes we do. I can show you if you want.
Man: Please, lead the way, Miss Steele.
Woman: Just Ana.
Woman: Is that it?
Man: Masking tape.
Woman: Are you redecorating?
Man: No.
Woman: We have two-inch and one-inch, but the truly self-respecting handyman will have both in his toolbox.
Man: Of course, he will.
Woman: It’s rare to find a connoisseur these days…
Woman: Did you want anything else?
Man: Yes, rope. That’s impressive. You’re girl scouts?
Woman: No, organized group activities aren’t really my thing.
Man: So what is your thing?
Woman: I don’t know. Books? Okay, rope, tape, cable ties. You’re the complete serial killer.
Man: Not today.
Woman: Anything else?
Man: What would you recommend?
Woman: For a do-it-yourselfer? Maybe coveralls, so you protect your clothes?
Man: Could just take all my clothes off.
Woman: Okay, no clothes…I mean, no coveralls…I can’t think of anything else.
Man: Well I guess that’s it then.
Woman: Cool.
- Step1 無音で動画を見てどのような場面、状況なのかを想像する。
- Step2 英語の音声と合わせて動画を視聴する。この段階では英語字幕やスクリプトは見ずに、自分の実力を試す。ディクテーションの際はこのSTEPで行う。
- Step3 英語字幕や上記のスクリプトを参考にしながら、英語の内容をしっかり確認する。必要なら辞書を引いても良い。ディクテーションのときは、ここで答え合わせなどをする。
- Step4 ミラーリングの練習の際には、ここで英語字幕やスクリプト無しで動画を再生し練習する。発音、抑揚だけでなく。身振り手振りや感情もコピーする。
- Step5 最終確認のために、もう一度英語字幕やスクリプト無しで動画を視聴する。英語をどれだけ理解できたかを確認する。