#0056 This Is 40 (2012) – You’re Acting Like a B Scene (5/10) | Movieclips

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Mother: I’m getting rid of everything in the house that has gluten or sugar.
Father: Why? What’s wrong with gluten?
Mother: Gluten’s really bad for you.
Father: I don’t think so. It’s wheat.
Mother: Don’t you watch Dr. Oz?
Father: As in, “The Wizard of”?
Daughter: Hey, Mom, we were wondering if we can use the computer to iChat?
Mother: Remember the rules? 8 to 8:30?
Daughter: Yeah, but I have a friend over.
Mother: Hi, Wendy. Yeah, I know. Why don’t you guys go play? You could go build a fort!
Father: Hey, remember the Alamo?
Mother: Have you ever built a fort, Wendy?
Wendy: Like, on Facebook?
Father: I will take this if you’re gonna throw it away, because at our house, we’re wheat-eaters.
Mother: But don’t you want to live long enough to see your kids grow up?
Father: That’s up to God, honey.
Mother: No, but that’s really not good for the kids.
Father: Eh, the kids eat grass, this is fine.
Daughter: Wendy’s mom lets her go on whenever she wants.
Wendy: Yeah, my mom’s pretty cool about it as long as I finish my homework.
Mother: Yeah. Well, I guess I’m not the cool one, but the rules are just different in our house.
Daughter: Well, I get better grades than Wendy.
Wendy: She does. She’s so smart.
Father: Let me just grab the candy worms.



  • Step1 無音で動画を見てどのような場面、状況なのかを想像する。
  • Step2 英語の音声と合わせて動画を視聴する。この段階では英語字幕やスクリプトは見ずに、自分の実力を試す。ディクテーションの際はこのSTEPで行う。
  • Step3 英語字幕や上記のスクリプトを参考にしながら、英語の内容をしっかり確認する。必要なら辞書を引いても良い。ディクテーションのときは、ここで答え合わせなどをする。
  • Step4 ミラーリングの練習の際には、ここで英語字幕やスクリプト無しで動画を再生し練習する。発音、抑揚だけでなく。身振り手振りや感情もコピーする。
  • Step5 最終確認のために、もう一度英語字幕やスクリプト無しで動画を視聴する。英語をどれだけ理解できたかを確認する。


